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WORship Ministries 

Calling people to Jesus Christ and equipping them for service


Worship Ministries

Worship Ministries provide inspiring worship that invites people into a life-renewing relationship with Jesus Christ by planning and coordinating the regular and special worship services of the church. 

The Worship Planning Team plans and leads regular and special worship services of the church. This teams also recruits vocalists, instrumentalists, readers, etc. who are involved in leading services.

The Worship Technical Team works with the Worship Planning Team to carry out the technical aspects (sound system, A/V recording, MediaShout) of worship. 

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Worship Values at Immanuel


1. Worship is first and foremost a meeting between God and His people.

    Worship expresses the covenant—“I will be their God; they will be my people.” 

    He initiates. We respond. Worship is dialogue. God is present—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


2. In worship we rehearse and remember who God is and what he has done for our salvation, especially the gospel message of forgiveness and new life through Christ's work.

    We regularly include confession and declaration of pardon through song, litany, and led prayers.

    We observe the liturgical calendar to rehearse and to remember the work of Christ.


3. The content of worship comes primarily from scripture as understood through our Reformed confessional tradition.


4. Worship has three main movements: gathering, proclaiming, responding.


5. Worship is thematic.

    Music, readings, and other aspects of worship are informed by the sermon text and topic.


6. Worship takes time-—we aim for 75 minutes for a regular service.


7. Worship is participatory.

    We value congregational singing.

    Preaching involves active listening.

    A diversity of gifts is used to plan, prepare for, implement worship.


8. Worship should communicate to, be accessible to, and challenge the seeker and unbeliever.

    There is an evangelistic edge to the service.

    At the same time we recognize that spiritual eyes resulting from faith in Christ are necessary.

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